When large commercial trucks are involved in accidents, the chance for harm, injury and death is far greater. There are few things in life that are more traumatic than when a truck rams into your vehicle, and you may be left with extensive property damage and physical injuries. If you suspect that your accident was caused by the negligence of a truck driver or their trucking company, you should enlist the help of a legal professional who can help you uncover the real cause of your accident.
If you can prove that the negligence of a truck driver or company has contributed to your accident, you have the right to file a claim for compensation from the party responsible. Filing a claim against a trucking company can be intimidating and frightening, as these companies are powerful and are usually armed with a qualified legal staff. Trucking companies are notorious for trying to get out of paying damages by offering very low initial settlement or by denying your claim altogether. Their insurance adjusters may try to destroy or alter evidence pertaining to your accident, and you must have a powerful legal representative on your side to stand up for your rights.
For example, it is not uncommon for truck driver to drive too many hours and to violate the legal limit for hours on the road in order to meet tough deadlines from trucking companies. If you suspect that truck driver fatigue played a role in your accident, your attorney can examine the truck driver's logbook to review the number of hours that have been driven. Your truck accident lawyer will also review the truck driver's record of duty status, the electronic automatic on-board recording devices, and other evidence to determine whether or not the truck driver was behind the wheel for too many hours.
In other situations, truck drivers are involved in accidents because they were drinking and driving. Drug and alcohol abuse is a critical factor in many accidents, and recent news reports indicate that truck drivers fall into this category because they rely on alcohol and drugs to make it through long nights of driving. Commercial truck drivers and others who have a CDL (Commercial Driver's License) are held to stricter standards and can be charged with a DUI for a BAC level of only .04, as opposed to .08 for those with standard driver's licenses.
Truck drivers are also prohibited from using alcohol within four hours of their shift, and trucking companies are required to put their drivers through alcohol and drug screening before they are hired. After a truck accident, your attorney can investigate the details surrounding the accident to determine whether drugs or alcohol was involved. This may involve looking at drug and alcohol records as well as gathering police testimony and eyewitness testimony.
Whatever the specific cause of your truck accident may be, you can be confident knowing that you have a skilled truck accident lawyer on your side who will seek justice on your behalf. In order to determine what factors contributed to your accident and what evidence you should base your claim off of, you should call a Coral Gables personal injury lawyer at Mesa Law Firm immediately after your accident.
There are numerous ways in which a truck driver or trucking company can be held liable for an accident, and other examples of truck driver or company negligence include:
When you call Mesa Law Firm about your accident, you will receive a free consultation to discuss your case, your concerns and your legal goals. Not only have we handled multiple truck accident cases successfully, but we have a wealth of legal resources and experience to utilize for your case. We will take your case and see it through to completion, and we never back down from a challenging case.
Contact a Coral Gables injury lawyer at our firm now!