Are you frustrated with trying to find out how to get the most money from your car insurance company? Are you confused about the injury claims process? If so, then you aren't alone. In fact, many accident victims struggle to find honest help with obtaining the fair compensation they deserve for their accident damages.
At Mesa Law Firm, we understand what you are going through and we are committed to help. We have helped all types of accident victims during our many years of practice, and you can count on our firm to help you understand your legal options and make your legal goals happen.
Below, our lawyer has outlined some of the most commonly asked questions about car accidents. Our experience has taught us that many victims simply aren't familiar with the intricacies of personal injury law and their rights after an accident. Please take a moment to read through some of the questions below and then call our firm for more specific legal guidance with your unique accident case.
Click the links below to jump to the answers to each question:
Regardless of whether or not you are at fault for your accident, you should contact your insurance company as soon as possible. When you do, stick to the facts only and let your insurance company evaluate them, and never admit fault at this time. Having a car accident lawyer by your side during this phone call could be helpful and beneficial.
Unless you want to hinder or jeopardize your chance at recovering compensation, it is better to let your attorney handle all communication with the other party's insurance company. Many accident victims are shocked to find out how the other side can twist their words and misconstrue what was said to their benefit. This type of communication is not only harmful, but it is stressful and traumatizing as well. Our firm will handle these matters on your behalf so that you can focus on what truly matters, which is recovering from your injuries.
Accident victims often have different reasons for why they need financial compensation after a car accident. Some victims need help with their costly property damages, while others are seeking compensation for their medical expenses or lost wages. Whatever your motive may be, there are many different types of compensation available under Florida law. Accident victims may be able to recover compensation for medical care, physical therapy necessitated by injury, missed work, loss of valuable income due to personal injury, emotional damages related to injury, the wrongful death of a loved one, and sometimes punitive damages.
If you do not feel any pain or immediate injuries after your accident, you should still go see a doctor or medical professional. Some injuries, such as a traumatic brain injury, do not appear for days, weeks or even months after an accident. If you do not receive a medical checkup after your accident, your ability to recover financial compensation may be harmed. When you do go to see a doctor, make sure you mention any complaints or aches that you may be experiencing, no matter how minor.
Yes. If you can, take as many pictures of the accident scene as possible. Try to document the damage done to your car and the position of your vehicle and the other vehicle involved. Much of the evidence from accident scenes is swept away a few hours after the accident so the more information you can gather, the better. You should also get the names and phone numbers of any witnesses who saw the accident take place.
You should not release your records, as this could seriously impair your case and your ability to recover compensation. Call our office immediately and we will instruct you on the proper steps to take.
Filing a lawsuit against a car manufacturer is a serious matter that must be backed by substantial evidence. In order to determine if this is a possibility for your case, we will investigate the situations on which the manufacturer has created the air bags to deploy under. If your air bags failed in a situation that was covered by warranty, we may be able to pursue this type of a lawsuit on your behalf.
With the help of a qualified attorney, many car accident claims can be settled outside of the courtroom. This is less stressful for the accident victim and brings about a more timely conclusion as well. Whether or not your case will go to trial depends largely on the actions of the insurance company, however, and we will not agree to a settlement that is less than what you deserve. You can have confidence that our lawyer will pursue the highest amount of compensation available for your accident, even if it means that we have to take your case to court in order to do so.
One of the best parts about scheduling a consultation with a Coral Gables car accident attorney at Mesa Law Firm is that it doesn't cost you anything. We do not charge anything for an initial review of your accident case, and we will use this time to help you understand more about your rights and legal options. Don't hesitate to call our team at 305-831-4533.
If you have any other questions about your accident or the claims process, do not wait to call Mesa Law Firm. With 15 years of legal experience in all types of accidents, we understand what it takes to be successful with all types of accident claims. When you contact a Coral Gables car accident lawyer at our firm, we will immediately take action to preserve any evidence that may help you be effective with your claim. Insurance companies do not have your best interests in mind, but we do. Our injury attorney in Miami fights aggressively to obtain the maximum amount of compensation because we understand how it will make a difference in your life and your future.
Contact us today to learn more!