It is an unfortunate fact that over 30% of car accident fatalities are caused by drunk drivers. It only takes an average of two to four alcoholic beverages to reach the 0.08% blood alcohol content (BAC) necessary to be considered legally intoxicated, yet people step behind the wheel every day and attempt to drive, putting every other motorist on the road at risk of being in a crash. Over 17,000 alcohol-related crashes were reported in the state of Florida alone in the year 2010, more than 7,000 of which caused personal injury.
In March of 2012, the National Highway Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reported that impairment has nothing to do with the type of alcohol that has been drank. It is estimated that someone is injured in a drunk driving accident every 90 seconds in the United States, and one in three people will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in his or her lifetime. The NHTSA also reports that drunk driving costs our nation about $500.00 per day and $132 billion per year. Here at Mesa Law Firm, we have witnessed the devastation caused by drunk driving firsthand and we are dedicated advocates of those who have been injured or harmed by these accidents.
When a person drives under the influence of alcohol (DUI), their ability to focus and react appropriately to traffic conditions is severely impaired, as are their motor functions. While intoxicated, they could weave out of their lane, veer off the side of the road, or hit another vehicle head-on. Whatever the case, they should be held entirely responsible for any damage and injuries they cause as a result of their irresponsible and reckless actions. It is estimated that the average drunk driver has already driven drunk 80 times before their first DUI arrest, and we are here to seek justice on your behalf when you have suffered harm because of a drunk driver.
The costs of a drunk driving accident can include medical, rehabilitation and property damage expenses, and these can keep families under financial pressure and make it difficult for them to recover from the accident. In order to seek compensation for your pain, injuries, loss wages, property damage, and loss of future earning capacity, you must provide evidence to demonstrate your losses. Our Miami injury attorney can help you with this process and can fight to recover the maximum amount of compensation available to you.
Are you in need of a lawyer for a drunk driving accident case in Coral Gables, FL? The truth is that by working with a Coral Gables injury lawyer as soon as possible after your accident, you raise your chances of winning maximum compensation for your injuries. Mesa Law Firm can provide a skilled and experienced lawyer to counsel you, support you, and help you fight for justice. Our founding attorney, Joseph A. "Tony" Mesa, III, has been named a Rising Starâ„ by Super Lawyers® and an "Up and Comer" by Florida Trend's Florida Legal Elite™, and would be happy to speak with you regarding your case.
We also offer our services for contingency fees, so you never have to worry about whether or not you can afford to hire our firm. Learn more by calling our offices today.